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Laura Berg is a college professor, professional speaker, author, entrepreneur, trained therapist, and award-winning parenting expert. She is the author of Thriving Life, a self-help book that covers topics such as defining one’s own happiness, dealing with rejection, and setting limits in relationships. Laura is currently working on a research thesis about using narrative therapy and creative writing as healing tools for adoption-related trauma.

Professional Speaker

Laura has shared her expertise as a professional speaker at conferences around the world for over ten years. She continues to share her experiences and knowledge on both entrepreneurial and mental health topics. Her interest in diving deeper into mental health first began when her daughter was diagnosed with depression. Laura has lived with depression since the age of sixteen and was devastated to learn her daughter was also struggling with it. She wanted to find ways to support her daughter when working through her mental health issues. After writing the self-help book, Thriving Life, she discovered impactful tools and strategies to use to help her own mental health issues as well as support her daughter.  It is the tools she wrote about in Thriving Life that she shares during her presentations at conferences as a keynote and professional speaker.

Current Research

Laura’s current research will explore how narrative therapy can help adoptees and birth mothers overcome adoption-related trauma. We all have narratives we’ve created around being adopted. Some of those narratives may be based on factual events, and others may be based on our future desires. Even when our narratives are developed from actual events, those narratives are still just our perception of the facts that happened. The stories we tell ourselves can be modified and changed to help us heal adoption-related wounds. By writing different scenarios separate from our current narratives, we can view our feelings from different perspectives. These different perspectives can shed light on our emotions and may help change our negative narratives.

Feel free to reach out anytime with questions. Looking for a professional speaker for your event? You can reach Laura via email at

Laura Berg is also the founder and president of My Smart Hands


benefits & outcomes

Types of Therapy

Perhaps thе grеаtеѕt аbilitу thаt mankind is сараblе of iѕ thе power оf rеаѕоning. Although thе еntirе field оf psychiatric mеdiсinе is dеvоtеd to undеrѕtаnding thе relationships bеtwееn the сеntеrѕ оf thе brain thаt are сараblе оf thiѕ gift, аnd hоw thеу rеlаtе tо the rest оf the body, wе ѕоmеtimеѕ undеrеѕtimаtе thе power аnd influеnсе thаt rеаѕоn hаѕ over our health.


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Cognitive Behavorial Therapy


The best way to predict your future is to create it. - Abraham Lincoln