
news & articles

The Anatomy of an Entrepreneur

The 21st century is an open gateway for all types of entrepreneurs. We met the solopreneurs, the mompreneurs, and technopreneur, to name a few. Along with that, we cannot deny

The Art of Leadership for Women

The Art of Leadership for Women May 29, 2014 Toronto This post is part of the and The Art of Leadership for Women #YMCLeadership sponsored program. I received compensation

The Entrepreneurial Road

~Entrepreneurship~ Growing up I never heard of the word entrepreneur.  My parents were both teachers so there was never talk of anything else other than teaching. I knew there were

The “Killing of Creativity”

When you were a child in school there were certain teachers that fostered an environment where individuality and creativity could flourish while others stifled individuality and wanted every student to

Marketing Boom!

When I decided to start a business I had a romantic notion of how easy it would be to get up and running. Now keep in mind I have zero

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